Sukhrob's blog

Work Examples

Mehr kutubxonasi

Non-profit organization to share books for all readers, consisting of almost 5000 users for now. This website displays datagram of the process.


TUIT Yeungnam user

Admission panel for an exchange program between TUIT and Yeungnam universities.


TUIT Yeungnam admin

Admin panel for an exchange program between TUIT and Yeungnam universities.


Statistics department

Statistics department - big data sharing between boss and staff roles. For this purpose, it contains sensitive state documents (almost 130,000 companies data)



Ecoilm is the website to display scientific journals and events, news happening in RESEARCH INSTITUTE ENVIRONMENT AND NATURE CONSERVATION TECHNOLOGIES


Personal Projects

Sukhrob's blog

Not only blog site but also portfolio site to display my work examples. Blogging consists of two categories such as technical and non-technical articles.


Code academy

This platform is based on video streaming app containing video tutorials. For this purpose, it is all about IT videos provided by experienced programmers to teach newbies.


Pet Projects

Music tap Player

It allows you create your own tone music by tapping. Make your life intersting😉


Uzbek Food (Verstka)

Find out any restaruant priorities by checking its own web pages. Uzbek food is a place to provide you so many opportunities like customer service, ordering online and any food ingredients

#html#sass, scss#javascript#aos animation

Paint app

🖌Paint app is a windows office paint alternative but limited features.

#es7+#scss#figma#canvas api#html

ToDo App

ToDo app is your chores during the day, it allows you to save todo list, visit the page any time, your works will be saved on your browser


Translator app

Traditional translator app is google translator alternative with its features.


E-commerce UZUM

E-commerce website is a UZUM alternative to gain its design, and outmating products and process/


Nayzak e-commerce

It was build with NextJS, just a practice with released features.


© 2024 sukhrob abdullaev